How Can We Help You?
Sharing information forms a key part of what we do. Here’s a list of questions we get asked regularly. You may find the answers you’re looking for right here.
A: We have a strict verification process that commences once you have completed all your credits. This takes about a month. The official verification by INSETA takes place in the following month but is entirely based on INSETA’s schedule. Once successfully verified, we have 21 working days to upload the credits on INDICIUM. Thereafter, it is based on INSETA’s turnaround time to Quality Assure the credits and process the certificate. (The entire process generally takes between three and six months however INSETA’s timeframes are not always confirmed.)
A: The academic submission then goes through a moderation, verification and certification process before the learnership can be confirmed as being successfully completed.
A: This is based on the qualification you have completed within the relevant field. See Courses and Qualifications.
A: You can use your official GIFS results letters as confirmation of credits completed. However, the results letter does state the verification status.
A: The learnership is made up of two components: theory (the GIFS course for which you have enrolled) and workplace practicals(logbooks). You need to complete both components to obtain the qualification.
A: Remediation is done for Not Yet Competent (NYC) sections within the original marked portfolios highlighted in a different colour pen. This shows the second attempt for remediation.
A: Level four qualifications require basic Mathematics, English and a second Language. If you do not have a matric certification, you will need to complete these three subjects to achieve the full qualification. Mathematical literacy contains aspects of Accounting which is part of the INSETA curriculum.
A: It is compulsory. Mathematical literacy contains aspects of Accounting which is part of the INSETA curriculum.
A:The following are approved examination centres as per our timetable deadlines for distance learners:
Johannesburg: Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences (GIFS) offices in Sandton; University of Witwatersrand (WITS); and Midrand Training Centre
Durban: Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences (GIFS) offices in Umhlanga; and the University of KZN (UKZN).
Cape Town: University of Stellenbosch
Johannesburg: Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences (GIFS) offices in Sandton; University of Witwatersrand (WITS); and Midrand Training Centre
Durban: Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences (GIFS) offices in Umhlanga; and the University of KZN (UKZN).
Cape Town: University of Stellenbosch
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