Update from GIFS CEO
It has been a tumultuous few weeks around the world with governments, businesses and individuals coming to terms with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our daily routines. The situation has forced us to confront and reconsider what we took for granted only a week ago – from how and with whom we socialise to how we work. There is no doubt that this challenging time must be equally disruptive for you, your family and colleagues.
At GIFS we have introduced measures to ensure we continue delivering quality services during this uncertain period. We are committed to the training and education of South Africans with as little disruption as possible going forward.
In accommodating our employees, partners and learners, we have rolled out the following measures:
We have made available a free online COVID-19 workshop to be rolled out with our e-learning partners. All contact sessions will be replaced with a national support schedule. Summative assessments will take place at the end of the programme. All meetings will be conducted digitally, and we are in discussion with our partners to offer data-free learning programmes. We encourage you take advantage of our streamlined, digital offerings.
We have also ensured that all systems are in place to assist you, or your employees, in fulfilling your CPD hours, for which the deadline is 31 May.
Please follow our social media pages (GifsSouthAfrica) for updates, news and information. We will continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly.
We want to reiterate that while we have taken precautionary measures to do our part in fighting this pandemic, we are doing everything possible to adapt to the new normal. Thank you for your patience and support during this time. We are in this together.
Kershen Pillay
23 March 2020